What you need to know about protective styles.

What you need to know about protective styles.

Hey Triber, how are you doing? Before we dive right in, do you know what a protective style is? While you are thinking of what answer to give, let me mention this: I understand how much you love your hair and want to try different styles, but take a PAUSE! Give your hair a break from daily styling and manipulation. Trust me, it does your hair no good.

Now, back to my initial question, if your answer to that was it’s a style that keeps your ends tucked away and minimizes manipulation, then you are very correct. A protective style aims to prevent your hair from damage and helps you retain length.

Bonus: If you have a busy lifestyle/schedule, you want to do more protective styles as this saves you a lot of time.


Let’s go back in time a bit, you remember those styles we did while we were little, they are examples of protective styles. Cornrows, flat twists, Bantu knots, and two-strand twists, are examples of protective styles.

Low manipulation styles like braids, faux locs, and wigs also help tuck your ends away and don’t require daily retouching.


“Are you saying while my hair is in a protective style, I can just leave it for weeks till I want to take it out?” What??? How can I say that?

While your hair is in a protective style, you still have to take care of it. Leaving your protective styles without any maintenance is counterproductive as your hair will still be prone to damage.

  1. CLEANSE YOUR SCALP: This can be a little tricky, but if you would be having that style on for weeks, then you want to cleanse your scalp while on the protective style. Apply our DEEP CLEANSE CONDITIONING SHAMPOO to your scalp, gently massage and rinse out with warm water.
  2. MOISTURIZE YOUR HAIR OFTEN: Moisturizing your hair can never be overemphasized. I mean, I can’t say this enough, moisture is your hair's best friend. So, even with your protective style on, you should still moisturize your hair. Use the L.O.C method, Liquid(Hair mist), Oil(Growth oil), and Cream(Hair Cream) to moisturize and seal in moisture into your hair properly.
  3. PROTECT YOUR HAIR WHILE YOU SLEEP: Wear a satin bonnet or use a satin pillowcase when going to bed to prevent your hair from snagging.

BONUS TIP: When taking down your protective style, be gentle and easy on your hair. You want to make sure to moisturize first before taking your hair down to reduce breakage.

Are you a fan of protective styles? What’s your favorite protective style?

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