We're back with another cesarean section story from another Mama. We have gotten a lot of feedback from you and we are glad you find these stories enlightening. Our aim with these stories is to create more awareness about cesarean section and we're excited to see that happening.

Today we have another amazing mama, Oguntibeju Oluwaseun Ayodeji share her story with us. Enjoy the read!

Qus 1. What is your ideal birth plan, and why?

My ideal birth plan is one which labour happens anything from 38weeks. I actually wanted an early labour so I can hold my baby on time and know I am done with pregnancy. My husband should be with me in the labour room, rubbing my back and watch me pop out our baby.

Qus 2. Can you describe your experience with having a C-section?

Sincerely, for my first child the experience was horrible. I was in labour for 12hours after induction was carried out. I was rushed into the theatre when the doctors realised the induction failed and I wasn't making progress at all. C-section was the last thing on my mind because I wasn't even prepared but I surrendered myself after the 12hour labour thing. I spent less than 1hour in the theatre and the joy of seeing my baby made me forget the pain temporarily.

Qus 3. Did you have any concerns or fear before the procedure?

No fear or concern before the procedure, I just wanted the pain I was experiencing to end.

Qus 4. How did you prepare for the C-section, both physically and emotionally?

For my first child, I wasn't even prepared but for my second I already knew since he was breech. I prayed and committed everything to God's hands. I also made sure my confessions were positive and also carried my husband along in every step. I got a place to keep my older child and also made sure my freezer was stocked with soups.

Qus 5. How did you feel during the procedure?

During the procedure, for my first child, I was awake all through. Although I didn't feel any pain. For my second child, the procedure was done under general anaesthesia. I fell out of the anaesthesia twice so I felt the cuts and the pulls but I kept reminding myself that God is my Father and he loves me more-so I have a daughter I am going back home to meet. I was just relaxed.

Qus 6. How was your recovery process following the C-section?

The recovery process for my first wasn't easy at all. I was not well managed at the hospital I used so my wound broke down and I had to be readmitted. At some point it felt like it was all about the baby and nobody was seeing me, that feeling made me withdraw and I cried most of the time whenever I am alone.

The recovery process for my second child was so smooth, I used another hospital this time around and I enjoyed proper medical care. My wound healed faster, the doctors there had my history so I can say I was properly managed.

Qus 7. Were there any unexpected challenges during your recovery?

For my first, there were a lot of challenges ranging from anaemia to sepsis and even postpartum depression. My second was so smooth no challenges at all.

Qus 8. How did you manage any pain or discomfort after the procedure?

Well, I knew there was going to be pain so I made sure I didn't focus on my pains. I distracted myself a lot by staring at my baby, listening to some messages and a few pain killers also helped.

Qus 9. What products help you with CS recovery?

No product in particular.

Qus 10. Did you feel supported during your recovery by your healthcare providers and loved ones?

Yes, but I got more support during the birth of my second child than my first.

Qus 11. How has your experience with having a C-section impacted your life?

I am always grateful there is another means of bringing forth other than virginal birth. My birth method made me appreciate medicine and respect health workers more.

Qus 12. Do you feel intimidated about delivering via CS or do you feel like a proud mom that can openly talk about her birth experience?

Initially after the birth of my first child, I felt my body failed me. My pregnancy journey was a smooth one so I was expecting a smooth birth. I was busy comparing myself with mothers who had vaginal birth, thank God for my husband who encouraged and talked me out of that sad feeling. Now, I have come to embrace and appreciate CS and I even encourage and give my support to mothers where and when necessary.

Qus 13. Do you have any advice for other women who may be having a C-section?

If you will be having CS soon either elective or emergency just RELAX. Prepare your mind, you can read articles or see videos about the procedure. Make sure you register in a very good hospital and plan your recovery process before you go in. Also don't forget to PRAY.

If you enjoyed reading through Oluwaseun's story, drop a comment below. Don't forget to share this with an expecting Mom as well.

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