Hey Tribers, we are back with another amazing cesarean section story from another Pūre Mama. We love the engagement and conversations this series is getting so far; it just shows how important it is for us to continue creating awareness about this important birth procedure.

Today we have an amazing mama Aderonke Olisa, mama to Abraham. Let's delve into it.

Qus 1. What is your ideal birth plan, and why?

Well, I was expecting a vaginal birth because of the books I read and also my profession in public health working with pregnant women. So that was the go-to option for me and what I planned for. All through my antenatal, while I was preparing, watching videos, praying, and planning for delivery, I had vaginal birth in mind.

Qus 2. Can you describe your experience with having a C-section? My C-section was an emergency, and it was due to prolonged labor, which lasted for 8 hrs. But thankfully I had a professional midwife on duty that noticed that my baby's fetal heart rate was reducing each time I contracted, when there was no contraction the heart rate was normal. Then they discovered that something was holding the baby from coming down the birth canal, as I was almost 8 cm dilated but was not progressing any further. The stress from the prolonged labor made both the baby and me tired, for safety reasons I was immediately scheduled for an emergency c-section.

Qus 3. Did you have any concerns or fear before the procedure? I didn't have any fear or concern about delivery generally. My husband and I had talked about it before delivery, that if the C-section option was the way we'd go for it. I didn't have any fear or bias or negativity about it, maybe because I'm a medical personnel. My mindset was just if that's the option I'd go for it.

Qus 4. How did you prepare for the C-section, both physically and emotionally?

I didn't prepare physically or mentally for the C-section initially; cause like I said I wanted a vaginal delivery. Qus 5. How did you feel during the procedure?

I was exhausted and drained from the labor experience. At one point, I had to say my last prayers due to the excruciating pain I passed through and the strength I lost during labor. Everything happened so fast, from the payment to getting the surgeon to the actual procedure which lasted for about 40 minutes. I was a bit conscious during the procedure and saw them doing everything but I didn't feel any pain. I remember seeing them bring out my baby but he didn't cry, they had to give him oxygen immediately. I was later told that the placental was wrapped around his neck and that hindered him from descending.

Qus 6. How was your recovery process following the C-section?

The recovery process was relatively okay but the first 24 to 48 hours were tough because of the anesthetics I was stuck in the bed and couldn't move. It's advised that you don't move after the surgery but I made a mistake and moved my head, a very wrong move. I had a really bad headache because of that. From the 3rd day, I started getting better, walking around, and could start feeding my baby. After a week I started to recover very quickly thanks to my mom that helped to massage and take care of me. I also had help and support from my husband and mother-in-law and that helped me. Qus 7. Were there any unexpected challenges during your recovery?

Luckily, I did have any challenges during recovery because I was very cautious about my stitch area, not carrying anything heavy except my baby.

Qus 8. How did you manage any pain or discomfort after the procedure?

I can't remember having any pain after the procedure, except for the usual pain during the stitch cleaning and removal. I also had some post-delivery contraction pain. Qus 9. What products help you with CS recovery?

I didn't use anything specific except the antiseptic recommended by the doctor to clean the incision site. Qus 10. Did you feel supported during your recovery by your healthcare providers and loved ones? Yeah, I felt highly supported by my family. The support mainly came from my loving husband, sister-in-law, and friends. I also got full support from the health care providers. Qus 11. How has your experience with having a C-section impacted your life? For me, it's just like a regular thing. I don't consider it as anything special. Qus 12. Do you feel intimidated about delivering via CS or do you feel like a proud mom that can openly talk about her birth experience? Aside from the financial aspect of the procedure that made me feel less comfortable, I don't think I had any intimidation about it. I'm very private about my family and son so I don't have open conversations about it, but if I have to contribute to creating awareness I am willing to let people know that CS is just another means of delivery and should not be stigmatized.

Qus 13. Do you have any advice for other women who may be having a C-section? My candid advice for intending mothers who may be having a c-section is, "Don't beat yourself because you could not give birth vaginally, whether you tried or you opted for a c-section yourself. Choose gratitude, the major thing is you had your baby and both of you are healthy. Delivery is delivery" That's right, DELIVERY IS DELIVERY and that's on period! We hope you enjoyed reading Aderonke"s story. Don't forget to share this with an expecting Mom and leave a comment below sharing what myth have you heard about CS.

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