7 Baby Care Tips and Hacks for New Mums

7 Baby Care Tips and Hacks for New Mums

Congratulations, new mum! Whether you're holding your bundle of joy in your arms or preparing for the exciting arrival, this new chapter can be both thrilling and overwhelming. 

With so much to learn and adjust to, especially in those first few months, it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of advice. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! 

These seven baby care tips and hacks will not only help you navigate this exciting journey but also make it a bit easier, allowing you to spend more time enjoying those special moments with your baby.

1. Create a Feeding Schedule

Feeding is a critical part of newborn care, and many new mums quickly realize that their baby's feeding habits can sometimes seem all over the place. Whether you’re breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, formula feeding or combining all, it’s essential to establish a feeding schedule that works for you and your baby. 

Newborns typically need to eat every 2-3 hours, and keeping track of those feedings can feel overwhelming, especially when you're sleep-deprived. A consistent feeding schedule will help ensure that your baby is getting the nutrients they need, while also helping you anticipate their hunger cues and plan your day accordingly.

Try using a feeding app on your phone like LatchME, and Eat Sleep-simple Baby Tracking. These apps allow you to log each feeding session whether it's breast or bottle and provide reminders when it's time for the next feeding. 

This is especially helpful when you're running on little sleep and can't remember when the last feeding was. If apps aren’t your thing, keeping a simple notebook by your side and setting phone alarms can also work wonders. 

By tracking feedings, you’ll start to notice patterns in your baby’s hunger, which will give you more confidence and control in managing your daily routine. A schedule isn’t just for the baby; it’s for you too!

2. Diaper Changing Essentials

Diaper changes are inevitable—and frequent! Newborns can go through as many as 10-12 diapers a day. Having a well-stocked and organized diaper changing station is important to make this process quick and easier.

Make sure you have all the essentials at hand: diapers, wipes, creams, and a changing pad. Keeping these items organized and within arm's reach will save you from having to scramble around mid-change.

Instead of relying on just one changing table, keep a small diaper caddy stocked with essentials in multiple rooms. This way, when a diaper emergency strikes, you won’t have to rush around the house with a fussy baby in tow. These portable caddies are particularly useful if your home has more than one floor or if you spend a lot of time in different rooms.

Preventing diaper rash is also an important part of keeping your baby comfortable. Applying a gentle diaper cream, especially during the night or after long periods of diaper use, can help protect your baby’s sensitive skin. Also, make sure to change diapers frequently and give your baby some diaper-free time each day to let their skin breathe.

3. Mastering Swaddling

Swaddling is an age-old technique that can work wonders in helping your newborn feel secure and comfortable. Wrapping your baby snugly in a blanket mimics the warmth and coziness of the womb, which can help soothe them and encourage longer, more restful sleep.

If the traditional method of folding and tucking a blanket feels too complicated, especially during those midnight diaper changes, consider using ready-made swaddles with Velcro or zippers. These are incredibly easy to use and eliminate the need for perfect folding—simply place your baby inside and fasten it up.

How to swaddle traditionally:

  • Lay the blanket flat and fold one corner down.
  • Place your baby face-up on the blanket, with their head resting above the folded corner.
  • Wrap the left side of the blanket over their body, tucking it under their right side.
  • Fold the bottom corner of the blanket up over their feet, leaving enough room for hip movement.
  • Finally, wrap the right side over your baby and tuck it underneath them.

Watch a YouTube tutorial here!

Make sure that the swaddle isn’t too tight so there’s enough room for your baby to move their hips and legs. A snug fit across the arms is ideal, while the legs should be able to bend and move freely.

4. Soothing a Crying Baby

Crying is your baby’s way of communicating, but as a new mum, it can sometimes be hard to figure out exactly what they need. Babies cry for many reasons, such as hunger, discomfort, tiredness, or simply wanting to be held.

Mobile apps that play gentle sounds like rain, waves, or even the hum of a fan can be incredibly calming for a crying baby. The sound mimics the consistent noise they heard in the womb, creating a comforting environment that can soothe them, especially during sleep or moments of fussiness.

You can also experiment with different holding techniques to help calm your baby. The "football hold," where your baby rests along your forearm facing downward, can be particularly effective for babies with gas. 

The "colic carry," which involves holding the baby belly-down across your forearm, is another position that can help relieve discomfort. Sometimes, simple skin-to-skin contact can do wonders in calming a fussy baby, allowing them to feel your warmth and heartbeat.

5. Get Comfortable with Babywearing

Babywearing is a fantastic way to bond with your little one while keeping your hands free. Whether you’re doing chores around the house, going for a walk, or even just trying to eat a meal, wearing your baby in a carrier allows you to stay close while being mobile.

You can simply carry your baby on your back as many people do or get a modern baby carrier. The right carrier will provide proper support for your baby’s developing hips and spine while also distributing their weight evenly across your shoulders and back. 

This is important for comfort, especially if you plan to wear your baby for extended periods. Many carriers are adjustable, allowing them to grow with your baby, and some even have multiple carrying positions for different stages of development.

When babywearing, always ensure that your baby is in a safe and comfortable position. Their head should be visible and close enough to kiss, and their airways should be clear to prevent any breathing difficulties.

6. Sleep When the Baby Sleeps

One of the most common pieces of advice new mums hear is to "sleep when the baby sleeps." It may sound like a cliché, but it’s true sleep deprivation is a major challenge for new parents. Getting enough rest is important, and napping when your baby does can help you recharge and maintain your energy throughout the day.

If you’re trying to catch some sleep during the day, consider using blackout curtains or a sleep mask to make the room as dark as possible. Even if you can only manage short naps, you’ll feel more refreshed if you create a peaceful, dark, and quiet space.

It can also help to establish a bedtime routine for your baby, even in the early weeks. A calming routine such as a warm bath, gentle rocking, or soft lullabies can signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep, helping both of you get a little more rest.

7. Simplify Bath Time

It is important to establish a routine that keeps bath time calm and enjoyable. Use a bath thermometer to ensure the water is at the right temperature (around 37°C or 98.6°F) and if you don’t have one, simply feel the water with the back of your hand or your inner thigh, ensure the water is warm. This will give you peace of mind that the water isn’t too hot or too cold for your baby’s sensitive skin.

Before you start the bath, make sure you have everything you need within arm's reach. Your baby’s skincare essentials, a soft washcloth, towels, and clean clothes so you don’t have to step away from your baby once they’re in the water.


Caring for a newborn is a challenging, yet incredibly rewarding experience. With these seven baby care tips and hacks, you’ll find it easier to manage daily tasks, soothe your baby, and make the most of this precious time. 

Every baby is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so trust your instincts and remember that you’re doing a great job. 

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Pure Baby and Mama is a brand that offers safe and effective skincare products for pregnant women, postpartum mothers, and their little ones. 

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